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AdsGram (Telegram)

AdsGram is a novel ADs network built specifically for Telegram Mini Apps. They are solving the current acute problem of the lacking ads monetization tools for Telegram Mini Apps.

Supported Platforms:

  • Telegram
  • Platforms without support
  • CrazyGames
  • GamePix
  • GameDistribution
  • GameMonetize
  • OK Games
  • SmartMarket
  • VK Games
  • VK Play
  • Yandex Games
  • WG Playground
  • Kongregate
  • PlayDeck
  • Google Play
  • beeline
  • Fotostrana
  • Android (alternative stores)
  • Web (custom site)
  • Supported Banners:

    • Rewarded Video

    Setting up AdsGram

    1. Register in the partner dashboard.

    2. Create a placement platform.

      • Create > Ad Platform

      • Enter the platform name, link to the game on Telegram, and direct link to the game.

    3. Create an advertising block.

      • Create > Ad Block

      • Enter the block name and choose your game from the list of platforms.

    4. Obtain the block ID.

      • Go to the block > Show Code

    Setting up GamePush

    1. Add an advertising configuration to the Telegram platform. Navigate to the Platforms section, click on the platform, then click on Add Advertising Configuration.

    Fill out the configuration.

    • Name and Description can be anything, they are for your reference.
    • In the Telegram section, fill in the banners.
      • Select the provider "AdsGram" and enter the banner ID you created earlier.
      • Only Rewarded Video is supported.

    Stay in Touch

    Other documents of this chapter available Here. To get started, welcome to the Tutorials chapter.

    GamePush Community Telegram: @gs_community.

    For your suggestions e-mail: [email protected]

    We Wish you Success!