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In the My Games section of the control panel, Workspaces are displayed. These are the accounts to which you have access.

Workspaces List

When working with workspaces, you can:

  • Invite members
  • Assign roles and project permissions
  • Remove members

Inviting a Member

  1. Click on Members in the desired workspace list.
  2. At the bottom of the pop-up window, click Invite member.
  3. Enter the user's email address; they must be registered on the service.
  4. Configure permissions.
  5. Send the invitation.

Workspaces Invite

Specify the required permissions:

  • Access to all projects: Leave the toggle switch on if you want the member to see all your projects. Alternatively, turn off the toggle switch and specify the projects to which you want to grant access.
  • Read-only: Check this box if you only want to allow viewing projects without editing to avoid accidental changes.
  • Roles: Specify roles for the member. Multiple roles can be assigned to a member.



Administrators have full project management access and access to all sections within the project.


Developers can edit nearly all sections but do not have access to statistics other than usage statistics.

  • Public Zone
  • Project Settings
  • Platforms
  • Allowed Origins
  • Ads
  • Players
  • Leaderboards
  • Achievements
  • Products
  • Rewards
  • Triggers
  • Events
  • Reward Schedulers
  • Channels
  • Game Variables
  • Game Hosting
  • A/B Experiments
  • Segments
  • Images
  • Files
  • Promo Materials
  • Documents
  • Unique Values
  • Statistics
  • Usage


Analysts can view project statistics and set up A/B experiments.

  • Overview
  • Public Zone
  • A/B Experiments
  • Segments
  • Statistics
    • Usage
    • Purchases
    • Achievements
    • Advertising
    • Online
    • Sessions
    • Retention
    • Activity

Content Manager

Content Managers can edit all sections related to content but do not have access to settings that affect game functionality.

  • Players
    • Cannot modify player field models
  • Public Zone
  • Leaderboards
  • Achievements
  • Products
  • Rewards
  • Triggers
  • Events
  • Reward Schedulers
  • Channels
  • Game Variables
  • A/B Experiments
  • Segments
  • Images
  • Files
  • Promo Materials
  • Unique Values
  • Documents

Stay in Touch

Other documents of this chapter available Here. To get started, welcome to the Tutorials chapter.

GamePush Community Telegram: @gs_community.

For your suggestions e-mail: [email protected]

We Wish you Success!